If you are unable to locate a business or organization with a copy of the petition in your area, you can:
Download the Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (PDF)
Print the petition and sign it. You MUST complete the petition on paper - it cannot be digital.
You may only sign the petition once - if you have already signed it somewhere, do not sign it again.
You may collect multiple signatures on your paper petition; however - all who sign MUST complete the petition on paper, and they must not have already signed it (or another).
Mail the signed hard-copy of the petition to: PATRICK PORZUCZEK, 9828 HWY 118, ALGONQUIN HIGHLANDS, ON, K0,1J2
If you have any questions or comments, join us on social media or email save.minden.er@gmail.com
Information sheet and contact list
Information Sheet and Contact List (Word)
Information Sheet and Contact List (PDF)
Thousands of concerned residents, visitors and advocates are discussing the potential closure of the Minden ER.
Use #mindenmatters in all of your posts and correspondence
Facebook is our most active hub - but we need to raise our voices on other platforms, including twitter and instagram.
If possible, include a link to mindenmatters.com
Remember to be respectful and professional - we want positive and constructive dialogue that can lead to meaningful change in our community.